Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Google Earth is Not Enough

The combination of me having (a) recently acquired an internet connection fast enough to be able to use Google Earth and (b) nothing better to do has resulted in this thrilling series on You Only Blog Twice. Yes, it's a random assortment of James Bond movie locations as seen from directly overhead. In this, part one of 57, we look at some notable villain's lairs.

Ocho Rios Pier, Jamaica, aka Crab Key:

Mount Shinmoe, Kagoshima, Japan, aka Blofeld's hollowed-out volcano:

Piz Gloria, Switzerland:

The Las Vegas Hilton, aka The Whyte House:

"James Bond Island," Pha Ngang Bay, Thailand. Not pictured: Hervé Villechaize.

Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, captured during a rare moment when not covered by a lake:

Maiden's Tower, Istanbul:

And there you have it. I'll now return to concentrating my efforts on more worthwhile pursuits, such as searching feverishly for grainy satellite images of topless sunbathers.